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Time Savers for Event Planners

Top 5 Time Savers for Event Planners

If there just aren’t enough hours a day, what should you do (after congratulating yourself on the success of your busy event business)? You could hire more staff, but that requires time and money. Why not take on less work? This is not an option if you want to continue growing your business. Or, you could get organized.

There are so many apps available right now that make streamlining your daily routine not just easy, but verging on fun (or maybe that’s just us..!). Sometimes you don’t even need an app, just to spend some time carefully considering how and why you do certain tasks.

Here are our top tips for creating more hours in the day.

1. Delegation

If you’ve hired a team of assistants, use their expertise! Aside from ensuring you’re not carrying out their tasks simply because you’re used to doing them yourself, finding out about your staff is a useful exercise. Your financial assistant might have a social media following of thousands; who better to do some digital marketing for your business? A quick chat with your part-time event assistant could reveal that they are attending a graphic design course. Their skills could free up some valuable time for you.

2. Asana

Whether your team is office-based or remote, or whether your event organization is currently a solo venture, Asana is an app that will help you get- and stay – organised. There’s nothing more frustrating than wasting time simply because you’re duplicating work, focusing on the wrong tasks, or losing documents you’re sure you’ve already completed. Once Asana is a part of your daily routine, you will be so much more on top of your business.

3. Don’t get too caught up in new technologies

It can be easy to get so excited about new technologies that we overlook the simple, yet incredibly efficient things that we can do ourselves. For instance, have you set up templates? If you’ve found that you spend hours sending virtually the same responses to customers, it’s time to get more savvy. Identify the questions you’re asked time and time again, and create a set of templates for each one. If necessary, you can personalise each one as you need it, but the majority of work has been done.

And while we’re thinking about getting back to basics, have you automated tasks that you carry out every month? Reminders to clients for payment, notifications of minor changes and other administrative tasks can be automated to save time. If you have staff who aren’t already doing this, carry out some training.

4. Get Invited

We have created a wide range of clever features that make Get Invited much more than just a ticketing platform:

  • Flexible ticketing
  • Discount codes
  • Your own web page
  • A widget to sell tickets on your own website
  • Connect with your MailChimp account to streamline mail campaigns
  • Custom-designed questionnaire to facilitate market research

Booking a venue is the easy part – it’s filling it that takes the hard work. Get Invited helps event organisers – professionals as well as those planning a one-off event – promote the event, stay in contact with attendees, and be aware of every aspect of sales. There’s even a handy feature that enables organisers to turn attendees into ticket sellers by offering them incentives. We think Get Invited is pretty great, but we do admit we might be biased! Check it out yourself at

5. Bring in the experts

If you and your staff simply don’t have enough hours in the day to give various aspects of your event organisation the attention they require, then outsourcing is the ideal solution. There are so many companies out there who have a wealth of experience in any business area you care to imagine. They tend to be flexible, so you can hire them for as many hours a month as you want. Seek recommendations and set up some meetings. You’ll soon wonder how you ran your events company without them!

Do you have any great time saving tips to share with the Get Invited community? Let us know in the Comments section below, Facebook or Twitter.

Blaise Perse

Blaise Perse

Blaise Perse is an accomplished content creator and strategist known for her captivating work at, a premier online platform for event organization and engagement. With a degree in Communications and a minor in Creative Writing from Boston University, Blaise has spent the past six years carving out a niche for herself within the events industry, focusing on creating immersive and engaging content that not only draws attendees in but keeps them talking long after the event has ended.

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